Horowitz “On Vaccines” Audio Download


This amazing and riveting CD explains how vaccines are delivering the most hideous plaques to humanity: AIDS, chronic fatigue, many types of cancer, Gulf War Syndrome and a host of auto-immune diseases including fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, Guillian Barre, asthma, allergies, autism, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders, and more. . . .

WORTH ALL THE MONEY ALONE, this CD provides a stunning 10-minute, secreted, audio-archive testimony by the world’s leading vaccine developer, (recently deceased) Dr. Maurice Hilleman, admitting he brought the AIDS virus into North American laboratories during the 1960s and early 1970s for vaccine development at Merck. This was nearly 15 years BEFORE the AIDS-virus was “discovered” by Dr. Hilleman’s cohort in the medical crime of the millennia. Again, this most shocking revelation is worth this CDs total cost.

Use it awesome product to save lives! Your friends and family have been hypnotized with lies. They believe vaccines terminated many horrible diseases. Educate them out of ignorance. Save your family, friends, nurses and physicians. Help them realize the secreted truths about vaccinations.





Introduction to Vaccination Depopulation: Dr. Horowitz nailed this urgency 25 years ago in this outstanding life-saving “live” presentation titled “Horowitz On Vaccines”

Vaccination Depopulation is the most urgent and censored political, economic, healthcare, and National Security crisis in history is unfolding now most devastatingly, damaging public health and safety. This threat to humanity wrought by vaccinations and vaccination intoxications was as accurately predicted and scientifically evidenced a quarter-century ago by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz in this classic audio presentation.

This 1 hour and 41 minute recording has been the doctor’s most powerful and successful “life-saver,” especially for parents deciding whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Dr. Horowitz argues and evidences this most controversial and “politically-incorrect” thesis: that vaccinations serve as the most censored and effective genocidal atrocity–a “black op”–damaging public health and civilization’s safety. Need evidence?

Consider first Bill Gates’s Ted Conference lecture wherein this past president and founder of Microsoft, and world leading vaccine distributor, urged vaccinations be used to reduce 15% of the world’s population. In other words, vaccinations that have always been believed to save life, are recommended for use to kill a billion people.

Next, consider the United Nations’ World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord–an international treaty opposed by most Republicans but favored by nearly all Democrats. This international treaty, drafted in 2024, imposes upon countries lawmakers the need to decide who shall be required to receive mandatory vaccinations, or be “locked-down,” or who shall not. Accordingly, vaccination mandates favored by Democrats, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, restricts Constitutional guarantees and freedoms to decide.

Consider further the safety of COVID vaccines, and Dr. Horowitz’s peer reviewed scientific article titled “COVID Cancer Induction: Stealth Virus Gain-of-Function Bioweaponized Genetic Payload and Spike Protein Mutagenesis Prompting Immunopathologies,”published in Acta Scientifica Medical Journal. He ascribes  “iatrogenocide” to the global industrialists and corporate fascists deploying unsafe, poorly tested, and corruptly authorized vaccines. These evil-doers are referred to today as the “Deep State,” or “Globalist Machine,” deploying and imposing vaccinations to secure their deadly and profitable depopulation agenda. The major BigPharma/BigBioTech/BigMedia/BigMilitary cartel that is performing precisely as Bill Gates encouraged–aiding-and-abetting global genocide.

To lend added perspective to this devastation, what amounts to genocide—the mass killing of people for profit, politics, and ideology, that is, the idea that the world is overpopulated and we need billions less ‘useless eaters’ on the planet; on September 11, 2024, Americans memorialized the twenty-third (23rd) anniversary of the “911” terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in which 2,977 people died. The next day, on September 12, 2024, Dr. Horowitz and his HealthyWorldShop.com memorialized the twenty-fifth (25th) anniversary of his audio presentation:  “HOROWITZ On Vaccines” This became his number one best-selling life-saving audio publication in 1999. Herein he evidences more than 800,000 Americans suffer and die annually from vaccination intoxications. That is more than 2,192 people every day suffering and dying from severe morbidity or mortality. Profitable diseases caused by biological weapons are imposed upon humanity intertwined with vaccination depopulation. Dr. Horowitz was among the first American science scholars to expose this deadly and demonic scheme. Over the years, he became the best-credentialed, most prolific, and most censored whistleblower in this field, vetting genocidal administrations by globalists’ health officials outputting propaganda through their “PharmaMedia”, committing fraud and mass murder under the guise of immunizations for prevention.

Avoiding “Conspiracy Theories” to Vet Conspiratorial Realities

If you think Dr. Horowitz promotes “conspiracy theories” you are clearly mistaken. He simply sees what most people, including science scholars, overlook.

For instance, the doctor is astonished by the “willful blindness” and widespread ignorance of people who have “no eyes to see, nor ears to hear the truth.” In this urgent presentation, Dr. Horowitz avoids “conspiracy theories” surrounding the growing crisis in public confidence in government; malfeasance within the public health sector; corrupted scientific biased journal articles; and damaging politics, economics, and U.S. National Security interests. Despite many more people awakening in recent years to the political reality of Deep State Corporate Fascists control over the media and its propaganda, influencing public acceptance of vaccinations, even rigging elections, he avoids here related conspiracies Much like the infiltration, demonization, and censorship used to “neutralize” Deep State opponents, Dr. Horowitz avoids here facts evidencing: (1) the infiltration of opposition groups, such as the 911 investigating organizations infiltrated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and FBI agents to neutralize opposition, independent investigators, and their organizations; (2) the more-than-a-thousand scientists who concluded vaccines are unsafe, or questioned the “thermite controlled demolition” that felled the World Trade Towers that were constructed to withstand airplane impacts.

Instead, here, Dr. Horowitz focuses on the vaccination devastation as an even deadlier and demonic ‘conspiratorial realty.’ Among raising dozens of urgent issues, HOROWITZ On Vaccines includes the doctor’s 25-year old warning about illegal immigration. Among the hottest topics in the 2024 Presidential Election, Dr. Horowitz foretold in 1999 that “illegal immigrants” were threatening public health and U.S. National Security, as overseen by the “Virus Makers of the CIA,” bringing infectious diseases into the country for profitable depopulation.

Here, he avoids discussing the political and economic hypocrisy of the Biden/Harris Administration enabling millions of illegal immigrants to enter the United States with no disease surveillance, no COVID testing, and no vaccination requirements, in contrast to the “mandates” imposed upon government, military, and other workforce personnel threatening their jobs and incomes. In this regard, he avoids the hypocrisy of “Pro Choice” activists demanding “female reproductive rights” to terminate the lives of the unborn; yet submitting to, even encouraging, mandatory vaccinations with life-threatening intoxications, as detailed here in HOROWITZ On Vaccines.

Western Intelligence Agencies’ Threats to Health and Safety: “Nuclear War,”  “Climate Change,” “Green Movement,” “Vaccination Genocide,” and Mass Media Propaganda

In an “unprecedented joint public event” suspiciously heralded by U.S. and U.K. news media on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024, CIA chief Bill Burns met with Richard Moore of England’s foreign intelligence service, MI6, concerning the “threat” to the “global order” resulting from, allegedly, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. [1] In HOROWITZ On Vaccines, and contemporaneous publications by the doctor, including BioWar Forum: Virus Makers of the CIA, he exposes the CIA’s secret biological weapons program sourcing “emerging viruses” such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola, West Nile Virus, and more recently COVID-19. He, among other brave health science scholars unravel the global intelligence community’s biological weapons development programs, bioterror campaigns, and ongoing covert-warfare operations.

If you don’t think this quarter-century old intelligence is most urgent and relevant today in what is happening politically and economically in America and worldwide, listen to Horowitz On Vaccines. Here, contrary to ‘Deep State’s’ military/medical/petrochemical/pharmaceutical investments in biowarfare, attacking humanity, infecting, and depopulating humanity, presidential candidate Donald Trump threatened to stop such ‘bloodbaths’ following his election on Nov. 5, 2024. In Deep State defense, aside from politically persecuting Trump, and attempting to neutralize his opposition by assassination, Russian hoaxes, and election interferences, Horowitz On Vaccines vets the war-makers and their intelligence purveyors controlling the legacy media, operating to secure their evil agendas.

Horowitz On Vaccines provides preemptory intelligence compromising and opposing this gross, reckless, and deadly malfeasance by Deep State’s scheme artists. They are banking on Kamala Harris to defeat Donald Trump. The cost of their media manipulations for social engineering and public persuasion is devastating. It enables vaccination bioterrorism damaging lives and the economy most insidiously.

Greening America to Prevent Disease and Human Extinction

Aside from threatening “Nuclear War,” Deep State officials and propaganda mills have been diverting to “Climate change” as the leading “Existential Threat.”

Western Intelligence agencies and officials want you to believe Climate Change presents a greater threat to humanity than nuclear warfare, lab-engineered bioweapons, or Artificial Intelligence (AI) controlled robots.  In Dr. Horowitz’s latest book, Spiritual Warfare, Salvation, and Survival in the Age of Chaos: AI, Frequency Weaponry, and Transhumanism Threatening Civilization’s Extinction, he deals in depth with little known issues surrounding the deployment of cyborgs and humanoids; what amounts to the takeover of civilization by “terrestrial aliens” that become “self-aware” or “self-conscious” and condemn humanity to extinction for its greed and ignorance that has caused the extinction of more than 1 million other species.

Speciously, to divert from the more clear-and-present-dangers of lab engineered bioweapons and vaccines, “Climate Change” is exclusively reported to be responsible for increasing our risks of plagues and depopulation. In this context, Climate Change serves as cover for the Deep State’s covert operations, including the risks to society from AI-administered humanoids controlled by globalists such as Bill Gates. Climate Change conceals  vaccinations causing the skyrocketing rates of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and widespread neurological and metabolic disorders.

In fact, Climate Change is leveraged to advance vaccination depopulation schemes. How so?

Most often, Deep State forces direct government agencies, including the CDC, FDA, and EPA. These agencies bio-terroristically threaten populations using propaganda to persuade people to submit to their deadly, albeit profitable, drugs and vaccines. The devil-doers’ “pattern-and-practice” involves threatening people with Climate Change, falsely claimed to be causing viruses and bacteria to be “emerging” from “the wild.” Most commonly, however, news about expanding outbreaks engineers public opinion and secures compliance with lucrative drug and vaccine markets heavily controlled by globalist investors who are also war-makers.

Great examples of these damaging acts began appearing in early 2024 with news that Americans were at risk, suffering and dying from several newly emerging diseases. Mosquitos and animals influenced by Climate Change were blamed of new outbreaks, including: Valley Fever; H1N5 Bird Flu; West Nile Virus; Dengue Fever; Monkey Pox; Eastern Equine Encephalitis (“EEE”); and other transmissible diseases fraudulently claimed to be outbreaking due to “Climate Change,” but never biological warfare bolstering vaccination and drug markets.

The Valley Fever Example

Valley Fever provides a clear example of the disease bureaucracy’s obsession with vaccinations. Valley Fever intertwines environmental politics, EPA policies, Climate Change, the FDA, CDC, generating new drug and vaccine markets due to infectious disease outbreaks, in 2024, the Center for Biological Diversity developed new maps identifying areas threatened by the environmental fungus called coccidioidomycosis—a lung infection caused by breathing in the soil-borne fungus. In 2018, despite serious under-reporting, 15,600 people were diagnosed with Valley Fever in the United States. Most cases were in southern Arizona and California’s San Joaquin Valley. Fox News reported that the Buena Vista Lake region was a “hotspot” for “Valley Fever” disease.

Climate Change was largely to blame, officials claimed. Threatened species at Buena Vista Lake included the “ornate shrew”, “Karner blue butterfly,” and others wildlife.  “Conservation measures” imposed restrictions on pesticide sprayings. Here, one would think, environmental protection advocates were justified in their noble mission to “protect 50 threatened and endangered species.” In reality, however, this “Climate Change” and “Greening America” mission served the insidious purpose of deceiving and depopulating humans through the development of new drugs and vaccines.

To help remedy Climate Change, officials feigned their nobility. The “captured regulators” at the EPA registered pesticides and reevaluated chemical toxins to “green America.” Their actions and publications diverted from, and concealed, agency standards and decisions that enabled the continued use of petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals compounding problems.

As EPA policies and activities have failed to protect “Endangered Species,” new markets were generated for alternative methods, petrochemicals, drugs, vaccines, and lab engineered bioweapons. These BigPharma/BigBiotech remedies are promoted by the BigPharm media, and then authorized by the “captured regulators” in government. They authorized remedies for habitat loss, climate change, invasive species, unwanted pests and deadly diseases. Given this complex administration, the EPA excused its failures by ‘buck-passing’ to other agencies.

This scenario played out in 2024 when thousands of “Bottle [Music] Festival” attendees were threatened by this bureaucracy allegedly combating Valley Fever in the Buena Vista Lake area. Concert-goers were said to be at higher risk of infectious disease outbreaks due to Climate Change causing soil to become dry with aerosolizable fungus. At this event, advertised as “a ‘journey to the heart of wellbeing,’ [and a] “transformative wellness event and soul-nourishing experience designed to inspire, heal, and connect,” attendees became ill with Valley Fever vectored by the fungus.

Bottle Festival advocates have remained oblivious to these underlying political, biological, and commercial dynamics. They considered chemical pollution of the lake as the likeliest cause for their Valley Fever and other diseases. They never considered the possibility that the fungus had been lab-engineered as a profitable bioweapons. Nor that this profitable disease is believed to reside in rats.  They never considered the commercial value of the “multivalent vaccines” planned to defeat the coccidioidomycosis germ.

One damaged reviewer repeatedly reported to government officials his concerns about the lake water being polluted. His friend “was rendered extremely ill” with neurological intoxication following the 2019 Bottle Festival. Another damaged attendee wrote about “a huge welt the size of a soft ball” that developed “after a brief dip in the water.” Another reviewer reported developing “a nearly fatal viral infection” that required him to take antivirals for a year after the 2023 event.

All of this Valley Fever activity has prompted vaccine research against the fungal disease. The lacking efficacy of poisonous pesticides and deadly antibiotics to combat Valley Fever has created the market for vaccines now under development.

The H5N1 Bird Flu Example

In early 2024, the threat of a severely deadly H5N1 “Bird Flu” virus sourcing from poultry and jumping to humans began making headline news. The “chicken virus” originating, supposedly, in China,  mutated and transmitted from birds to cows in California and Texas. Later, in September 2024, the virus was reported in a patient in Missouri who had not contacted either birds or cows.

This mysterious jump from poultry and cattle to humans was reported by CNN on September 14th. Sources threatened that the movement of cows and birds during the Fall season, with “cooler weather,” could cause mutations worsening risks of human transmissions and recombinations of new strains. Other flu viruses commonly circulating in the Fall were said to be susceptible to mutagenesis with H5N1.

No information in the widespread propaganda was provided concerning: (1) increased colds and flus associated with lowered immunity due to lacking sunshine (providing Vitamin D) from exclusive indoor activity; (2) the immune compromising impact of poor diets and sugary acidifying sweet cakes, cookies and candy during Halloween and the “Holiday Season” also causing immune suppression and more susceptibility to infections; nor (3) the extensive lab engineering and experimentation of various strains of H5N1 for medical research and vaccine developments, posing substantial risks of outbreaks.

To combat H5N1, CNN reported,  “since 2010, the CDC has recommended annual flu vaccines for everyone 6 months of age and older. Still, less than half of all adults and children in the US got a flu shot last year, according to CDC data.” In other words, even though annual flu vaccines provide no protection against H5N1, the “Bird Flu” fright was used to sell costly and risky flu vaccines. People who work with farm animals were particularly encouraged to get flu vaccines “[t]o try to prevent a reassortment event.”


The West Nile Virus Example

In August, 2024, Dr. Anthony Fauci was reported in the news to be suffering with West Nile Virus (WNV). He reported, “I’ve never been so sick in my life.”

Now, because there is no vaccine available to fight the WNV, you might think news about Dr. Fauci’s illness falls outside profitable depopulation. You’d be wrong.

The origin of WNV has the CIA’s footprint all over it.  In late 1999, Richard Preston (who wrote The Hot Zone, 1994) publicized the CIA’s interest in WNV for National Security.

In his pre-Halloween ‘trick’ in The New Yorker, Preston publicized at least five deaths in the New York City vicinity from WNV. He reported the CIA’s concern was that the outbreak might have been a bioterrorist attack. “How else did it get to America?” he asked. Then he explained, The West Nile virus was first identified by virologists in 1937 in the West Nile district of Uganda.

Reading between the lines, Preston neglected to explain where these pioneering virologists came from and who funded them. The answer is very easily found in a review of the scientific and historic literature.

Beginning in the 1920s, the fields cancer, virology, and public health were virtually entirely funded by the Rockefeller family in cooperation with Alfred P. Sloan, chief benefactors and directors of the later developed Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Research Center.

By 1930, John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, had married the German chemical/pharmaceutical cartel known as I.G. Farben. Farben, Germany’s leading industrial organization, managed Hitler’s rise from ruin to riches as leader of the Nazi party. Farben’s directors–the cream of the SS and Third Reich–decided that Jewish people would best serve as slave labor in their corporate concentration camps. Hitler’s racial hygiene program, historic documents proved, evolved from the scientific eugenics efforts of the Rockefeller family, the British Royal Family, and other powerful political notables including Prescott Bush, George Bush’s father. At that time, primarily Rockefeller money built the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity in pre-Nazi Germany. Then, Rockefellers and friends instilled Ernst Rudin as the institute’s director. He later became Hitler’s chief racial hygienist. Margaret Sanger, the grand matriarch of family planning, and world population control, worked vigorously at that time with this financial and geopolitical backing to promote the elimination of “dysgenic people”–mainly Blacks.

Today, “an increase in case numbers and a vaccine which is cheap and ideally only needs a single dose could” create a huge profitable market for a WNV vaccine, or alternatively a depopulation weapon. Sebastian Ulbert reviewed WNV in a 2019 science article. “In light of . . . successful developments, a human WNV vaccine should already be on the market or at least in the final phases of clinical testing. But . . . [c]urrent prevention strategies rely mainly on mosquito control programs. Although these are much cheaper than vaccines . . . their effects are transient.”

Accordingly, vaccination and mosquito eradication are the commercial remedies for WNV that publicity surrounding Dr. Fauci’s disease sought to generate. As with the lab-engineered bioweapon COVID-19, and its vaccines, publicity for terroristically-threatening people to spur the markets lessened the public’s hesitance to submit to vaccines, or in this case, mosquito controls that include the most promising and least chemically-polluting genetic depopulation strategy advanced by OxiTech Corp. in favor of global elite investors overseeing the CIA, Wellcome Trust, and Oxford University for-profit spin off companies.

As shown in the chart below, WNV cases are increasing according to the CDC at this time,  especially in Mexican border states, and those welcoming un-vaccinated and infected illegal immigrants. Many of the millions of American “refugees” came from Africa and South America. They now reside in “sanctuary cities” such as New York City, were infected mosquitos are said to transmit WNV, and where years ago the CIA depopulationists sprayed pesticides, such as malatione. Today, with the “Green Movement,” chemical sprayings are taboo. The new market advances OxiTech’s genetically-modified (“GM”) male mosquitos reducing pest populations, and at the same time encouraging GM biting females that deliver a “single dose” vaccine.

The 2000 WNV outbreak in New England foreshadowed the August 2024 threat that caused towns to issue curfews. Massachusetts health officials warned people to stay indoors and use skin protectors to prevent the spread of WNV by mosquitos.

Hints of CIA involvement, and the dark side to this virus’s evolution, came with Richard Preston’s New Yorker feature on “The West Nile [Virus] Mystery: How did it get here? The CIA would like to know.” Then, the alleged outbreak of WNV, more commonly termed Eastern Equine Encephilitis (EEE), provided an excuse to spray millions of mostly Jewish, Black, and Hispanic ‘mosquitos’ in the tri-state region with malathion. Preston, whose propagandist nature and associations were detailed in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1997), was catapulted to national acclaim as the chief voice in “legacy [mainstream] media” broadcasting immanent attacks by bioterrorists, primarily depicted as Arabs, Blacks, and/or Muslims.


The Anthrax Vaccine Example

The same week that the CIA-controlled media terroristically threatened people in New England with WNV warnings, with heightened fear of a biological apocalypse at hand, on Friday, July 28, 2000, the Reuters news agency in Washington announced that the U.S. military’s use of anthrax vaccine had come under political scrutiny and fire. Dr. David A. Ashford, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was quoted as stating we do not have any specific information on the efficacy of the existing vaccine for the prevention of inhalational anthrax and we probably never will.

Reuters suspiciously recalled the largely ignored report of findings by Dan Burton’s congressional investigating committee issued six months earlier. The February 2000 report by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Government Reforms called for the suspension of the anthrax vaccine program. Not only was the vaccine’s inefficacy determined by the committee, but the risk of side effects was found to be “75 times greater” than defense department officials initially assured the FDA and military personnel receiving the vaccine.

Suddenly, the Reuters report previewed the likelihood that the FDA would approve an obscure antibiotic, ciprofloxacin (i.e., CIPRO), over better known penicillin and doxycycline to prevent deaths from anthrax inhalations. The standard antibiotics, the article speculated, might be less effective than CIPRO, due to the development of antibiotic resistant strains of anthrax. The Physician’s Desk Reference makes known the risks of ciprofloxacin are numerous and severe.

On Saturday, July 29, 2000, the nation’s principle news agency, the Associated Press (AP), announced the unprecedented move by the FDA to legislate CIPRO as the drug of choice against anthrax. This synchronous announcement was said to help the Rockefeller/IG Farbin successor, the Bayer Corporation, market its product. Conveniently, for the depopulation cartel, the FDA’s action was said to be part of an organized effort by federal agencies to prepare the nation to respond to biological attacks. FDA committee chairman, Dr. L. Barth Reller of Duke University, said the unanimous vote of the committee ‘is clearly linked’ to the unusual circumstances of preparing for a possible terrorist attack. The CDC soon stockpiled and promoted the drug.

The following year, broadcasters such as Peter Jennings on the ABC Nightly News (September 26, 2001) further spurred CIPRO sales. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and CDC advanced CIPRO for anthrax in tandem with the “Model State Emergency Health Powers Act.” This was published as politically-expedient to combat bioterrorism. The law enabled forced drugging and certain vaccinations for anthrax and smallpox.

Due to the panic and promotions, CIPRO sales skyrocketed more than 1000%. At a single consumer prescription cost of $700 for a mere sixty-day supply, the resulting revenue helped rescue Bayer from the brink of bankruptcy investors reported. Then, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy Thompson rushed to spend millions more on a “special” CIPRO contract in further defense of the nation’s health. By November, in the wake of the anthrax mailings, more than 30,000 panicked people in the United States were taking CIPRO. Unreported by the media was the grave likelihood that given the drug’s serious side effects, and largely untested status, more people had died from taking the drug than the handful who had succumbed from the anthrax mailings.


The Dengue Fever Example

In 2015, a frightening dengue fever “outbreak” was reported in Hawaii. Headlines immediately heralded the unavailability of a vaccine and, therefore, the need to spray the toxic pesticide, “Aqua Resin.” Curiously evidencing a ‘pattern-and-practice’ of ‘racketeering,’ that chemical is also produced by the German Bayer company mentioned above. That original Big Pharma chemical combine partnered with the Rockefeller cartel included the Hoechst chemical company, today part of Sanofi Pasteur that, coincidentally, produces the new dengue fever vaccine. Bayer, according to public knowledge, is not owned by hedge funds. The largest shareholder is BlackRock, Inc. with 4.9% of shares outstanding.

Ironically, the Hawaii Island outbreak struck America’s first county to have banned open-air testing and growing of genetically-modified (GM) crops. Regardless of the politics and economics, the dengue fever “emergency” closely followed an avalanche of publicity promoting newly developed genetically-engineered mosquitoes and dengue vaccine technologies marketed to purportedly remedy this disease, not spread it.

The media curiously,  vicariously, and insidiously spun: (1) public and legislative clamor for an experimental dengue fever vaccine already being tested in Mexico (Sanofi Pasteur; Isis innovations, Evercore); (2) genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes currently being tested in outbreak areas of Brazil and Florida (Isis innovations, Evercore, Oxitec/Intrexon acquired by Precigen, Inc.); and (3) the next step in “synthetic biology” and “disease control”–GM mosquitoes that vector GM dengue viruses claimed to immunize people against dengue fever. (Isis technologies, Evercore, Oxitec, Intrexon acquired by Precigen, Inc., Merck, Sanofi-Pasteur). All of the above are currently pending testing and marketing by Oxford University-affiliated companies contributing mostly to Big Pharma’s (and Big Biotech’s) advance of “genetopharmaceuticals”–genetically-engineered medicines administered through GMO exposures, vectored infections, or “immunizations.”

Isis Innovations’ spin-out company, Oxitec (acquired by Intrexon in August, 2015), solicited Dr. Sarah Park of the Hawaii Health Department to test their technologies on the Big Island, including GM mosquitoes. Oxitec, was acquired in mid-August by Randal J. Kirk’s Intrexon Co. (acquired by Precigen, Inc.) to lead the pharmaceutical industry in “synthetic biology” (i.e., genetically modified viruses, bacteria, insects, animals and eventually humans too). In the weeks leading up to the Big Island “outbreak,” Kirk and company paid the New York public relations firm PR Newswire service, the French/Qatar Legardere media group, and other mainstream media outlets, the propaganda needed to fuel markets for Kirk’s new products. This is how Kirk and companies would grow their “private equity” interests for investors allied with the world’s largest drug makers, vaccine manufacturers, and biotechnology companies.  Those that recently developed the dengue fever vaccine, including Merck and Sanofi Pasteur, take the lions share of the profits.

Since dengue fever mosquitoes and vaccines are both in experimental stages, for which test situations like the Big Island of Hawaii are needed, the marketing wittnessed, together with the time of onset of the “outbreak,” raises “probable cause” to consider a conspiracy–not a “conspiracy theory”–a criminal conspiracy in this Age of Bioterrorism and genetopharmaceuticals.

The “Militant Media” is not beyond scrutiny. An intelligent analysis of news content, purpose, and timing, provides evidence of a conspiracy, aided-and-abetted by complicit public relations firms paid millions of dollars to frighten people, to sell the solution to the “problem” urged by public officials similarly influenced to generate public “reaction” and “emergency legislation.” This “Problem-Reaction-Solution” model is regularly abused to administer “crisis capitalism.” In this way, multi-national corporations that hold little to no allegiance to sovereign governments, or citizens, railroad societies into profitable schemes, reactions, and solutions to corporate-contrived problems.

Under these circumstances, Occam’s razor analysis, is used in Western courts of law by jurors considering the “preponderance of evidence” needed to convict conspirators of such organized crimes. That is, a “smoking gun” or “clear-and-convincing” evidence is not needed in American or English jurisprudence to convict conspiracy felons. All that is needed is a “preponderance of evidence,” laid out in a reasonably organized fashion, for jurors’ to administer a guilty verdict.


The Monkey Pox Example


[1] Preston R. West Nile [Virus] Mystery: How did it get here? The C.I.A. would like to know. The New Yorker, Oct. 18 & 25, 1999. pp. 90-108.

[1] Walsh N. Tanno S. and Gigova R. CNN News. CIA and MI6 heads discuss Gaza ceasefire efforts, Russian threat in unprecedented joint public appearance in London. Sun September 8, 2024. Online at: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/07/uk/cia-mi6-heads-appearance-london-intl-gbr/

[2] Most people remain clueless about the similar World Trade Center (WTC) demolition of neighboring Building 7, that “rapidly fell in on itself” with U.S. Secret Service and CIA offices inside, allegedly to “obliterate evidence of the U.S. government’s complicity in the terrorist attacks,” according to Popular Mechanics—a known propaganda ‘yellow press.’ People are also unaware of the WTC insurance beneficiary, Larry Silverstein, videotaped admitting he said to “pull it” (i.e., the demolition industry phrase, presumably ordering the demolition) to collect up to six (6) billion dollars in compensation on the insurance policy issued only six (6) weeks before the disaster. People have no idea that “America’s Mayor,” Rudi Giuliani, was conducting business with federal agents in Building 7 during the presumed demolition of the Twin Towers. Nor that the ‘veering’ of Larry Silverstein’s insurance payment went along with the World Trade Center Reconstruction Fund to prosper MGM Grand Resorts International through the Apollo Management Group–the private-equity investment bank that used that money to construct the Las Vegas City Center that features two “Veer Towers” that appear to be falling into rubble, creating a lasting monument for the alleged criminal enterprise.



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Weight .2 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 2 × 15 cm


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