Dr. Horowitz proprietary formulation of Lomatium root extract as a sacred remedy for respiratory ailments by native North Americans; and the scientific research of N. Towers at the University of British Columbia showing that the two types of Rosaceae plants that Dr. Horowitz added to this formula were proven by these Canadian researchers to “completely inhibit” cell death from bovine coronavirus infections. The “Extra Strength” tincture and homeopathic also contains Devil’s Club and other time-tested and traditionally effective natural remedy for colds, flu and pneumonia.
WARNING: Do not purchase or consume this product if you give credence to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA a.k.a. Fascist Drug Advocates) that has threatened to confiscate this product during an armed robbery against our warehouse, and then incarcerate Dr. Horowitz as a criminal, for informing you through this advertisement about the excellent expected relief you are very likely to gain against micoplasma-related respiratory ailments, if you consume this product as recommended.
Features & Ingredients
- This natural, native North American, traditionally-used, plant-derived product has been fraudulently classified by the FDA as a “drug” in support of the German- CODEX Alimentarious effort to regulate the entire world’s herbal and natural healing industry. According to written notice by agency (Nazi-like) officials sent to Dr. Horowitz, the FDA asserts its classification of it’s drugs upon this product since it was said to have been scientifically formulated as an effective treatment, cure, or preventative against common cold and flu germs (such as coronavirus and the government’s patented and widely distributed mycoplasma mutant, linked to Gulf War Syndrome, very persistent coughs/colds/flus, and likely SARS as well).
- Organic Lomatium Root, Devil’s Club Root, Service Berry Tip, Black Elderberry, Organic Xylitol, purified water, in an organic alcohol base tinctured formula.
Add 1 dropper/100 pounds body weight in 1 oz. of hot water. Let stand 10 minutes to dissipate the alcohol. Use 3x/day for prevention and 6x/day for severe symptoms, no more than nine days, for severe chronic flu-like coughs and cold-like symptoms.
Lifestyle risks, such as smoking, poor nutrition, inadequate hygiene including hand washing, dehydration, body acidification, and prescription pharmaceutical side effects should also be managed appropriately. By so doing, prevention of the recurrence of the flu, or invasion by new flu viruses such as the threatened Avian flu, is best assured. “ABOVE ALL,” Dr. Horowitz warns, “DO NOT GET VACCINATED and AVOID INTOXICATING ACIDIFYING
Finally, prior to taking these herbs, prepare your body for a massive die-off of mycoplasma and/or other infectious agents by detoxifying and hydrating methods. Drink lots of pH 8 adjusted drinking water, and spend a couple of days resting and fasting if possible. This best serves to prepare your body to avoid the “healing crisis” (i.e., Herxheimer reaction) commonly seen following the taking of these herbs due to blood intoxication from pathogen purging. WARNING: REMAIN WELL HYDRATED WHILE TAKING THIS HERBAL PRODUCT!
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