TRUMP ASSASSINS: UnMasking the “Enemy Within”


TRUMP ASSASSINS Unmasks the Faceless “Enemy Within” through a Deep State Investigation for Prosecution of the World’s Most Deadly Racketeering Enterprise.



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Un-masking the Faceless “Enemy Within”


A Deep State Investigation for Prosecution of the World’s Most Deadly Racketeering Enterprise


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz


Las Vegas, NV (; 12-4-24)— To enable the Trump Administration and justice officials to successfully advance the MAGA mission, a comprehensive “investigation for prosecution of the world’s most deadly racketeering enterprise” has been published by celebrity Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz for immediate perusal. The 450 page study and analysis provides revelations and remedies for National Security required to suspend criminal activity and restore the ”American Dream” for better health, peace and freedom.

According to the most advanced AI, the author is widely known for connecting “long-standing conspiracy theories about the military-industrial complex and government overreach, theories that have gained more popularity in the post-9/11 era, when concerns about surveillance, biological weapons, and covert operations have proliferated. Dr. Horowitz’s impact lies in his ability to disrupt conventional narratives in health and public policy. Whether viewed as a whistleblower revealing hidden truths or a peddler of conspiracy theories, his legacy is undeniable. He’s become a symbol of the anti-mainstream medical movement inspiring those who seek alternative answers in a world that often seems to be controlled by unseen forces.”

Dr. Horowitz’s Video Preview of TRUMP ASSASSINS

Take a ‘Roller Coaster’ Ride Through the DEEP STATE

TRUMP ASSASSINS unmasks the Deep State’s secret agents, agencies, institutions, and officials that have worked to assassinate Donald Trump’s person and character. Solid evidence is provided identifying the leading suspects and enemies of state most responsible for the current “Age of Chaos.” The hope that the new Republican-led government will successfully renew and secure America’s super-power status is “delusional” without investigating and prosecuting these criminal elements. Alternatively, disclosing the wealthiest power-brokers influencing geopolitics and economics gives hope to the MAGA movement inspiring the administration of justice.

The “pattern-and-practice”of key suspects and their enterprise committing RICO and anti-trust violations is crucial to convictions. For this reason, the award-winning author provides an amazing compilation of facts to inform and empower investigators, prosecutors, and concerned citizens.

Dr. Horowitz’s intelligence ties would be assassins Crooks and Routh to a host of interconnected banking firms and aficionados–knowledge that is crucial for preventing more assassination attempts and commercially-contrived shootings and terrorist attacks.

“Safeguards are needed to stop the corrupt, manipulative, and damaging banking industry that is most heavily invested in healthcare, insurance, and drug commerce,” Dr. Horowitz concludes. “Urgent regulatory action is needed to steward the newly emerging nano-bioelectronics industry and devices (“NBDs”) advancing these interests that rely on energy, micro-chips, and nano-sensors. Combined with AI, these advances generate a range of medical-legal risks that require regulation, since they may deprive persons of Constitutional rights or privileges.”

Given President Trump’s second and last chance to “Drain the Swamp,” this book provides urgent essential reading.


“This book is dedicated to those praying for the safety, security, and success of President Donald J. Trump in his quest to restore the ‘American Dream’.”


Table of Contents




Chapter 1: UnMasking the Faceless “Enemy Within”

Chapter 2: BlackRock Sourcing “ESG” and “WOKE”

Chapter 3: Vetting “The Green New Scam”

Chapter 4: Key Democrat “Deep State” Suspects

Chapter 5: The “Pied Piper” Candidate

Chapter 6: BlackStone “RINO” Republicans

Chapter 7: BlackRock Leverage Over War & Energy

Chapter 8: The CIA and Mass Media Mind War

Chapter 9: Hallucinogen and the “New Normal”

Chapter 10: CIA versus KGB and Eur-Asian Banking

Chapter 11: Pattern and Practice of Organized Crimes

Chapter 12: Conclusion & Remedies



About the Author