Dr. Horowitz’s Free iRife Frequency Therapy Device Turns iPads or Laptops into Healing Machines
This “iRife Frequency Self-help Machine”
Turns your iPad or Small Laptop into a Therapeutic Frequency Generator
For many years, Dr. Horowitz has advanced many novel “energy medicine” products and equipment. This is one. This free and practical application of his scientific discoveries especially leveraging the therapeutic 528 frequency of sound and light. This innovation, donated to humanity through HealthyWorldStore.com, follows the doctor’s scientific publication downloaded HERE. Since 1998, when Dr. Horowitz began to herald the 528Hz frequency as the “MIraculous” healing frequency from the ancient original Solfeggio musical scale in his best-selling Bible Code decryption book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, his leadership has reached worldwide, prompting a “paradigm shift” and “evolution” in the music industry and the natural healing arts and sciences.
Here is an innovation based on this 528 intelligence. Dr. Horowitz developed this great healing opportunity to model low-cost, highly effective, self-help frequency therapy devices. Such “iRife Frequency Generators” can facilitate natural healing. The video program freely viewed using the player below, features the “LOVE/528 frequency” that is a vital part of his ‘medical paradigm shattering’ all natural broad spectrum antimicrobial development and immune booster, “OxySilver w/ 528.”
This free self-help provision competes against expensive “Rife Machines.” Rife machines generate electrical frequencies and scaler energies that shatter crystalline pathogenic microbes. These include viruses and protein-rich bacteria. OxySilver w/ 528 does likewise, but extends therapy far beyond the world of germs. Rife machines (that typically cost thousands of dollars), like OxySilver w/ 528, can also be programmed to add immune boosting anti-oxidative energizing electrons to your system. Here, Dr. Horowitz’s self-help iRife machine does similarly, using your iPad or laptop computer. This use of modern, readily available technology, provides a more subtle frequency generating system leveraging the “Gold Standard in Energy Medicine“–the 528 frequency of sound, and 528nm of green light broadcasting by video. Add prayers and positive affirmations during your therapy sessions, as Dr. Horowitz encourages, and your iPad or computer becomes a powerful healing machine.
This video, prepared and donated by Dr. Horowitz, features loving prayers, auto-suggestions, and positive affirmations to complement your therapy. This is because science studies and religious practices have proven that prayer works! So Dr. Horowitz encourages you to use your ‘prayer power’ to supplement your therapy sessions. Moreover, since Dr. Horowitz knows that “LOVE is the ‘Universal Healer,” and 528 frequency best broadcasts this energy, his video contribution to your health and healing features the 528 frequency of sound and light.
Below are two audio players and a video player to freely use, enjoy, experiment, and benefit from. Dr. Horowitz donated these to you to stream the sound and light of “LOVE 528” for your therapeutic blessing. The audio players below provide 528Hz frequency and 417/528Hz binaural sound waves, respectively.
(Note: Some media device(s) fail(s) to show the video player, as has been reported by some users. If that happens to you, as an alternative, simply use one of the audio players and expand the 528nm Precise Color on your screen to gain the color therapy.)
528 Tuning Fork Generated Pure Tone
417/528Hz Binaural Therapy Track
528 Video Therapy Program: Green Optoacoustic Stimulation with Positive Affirmations and Prayers to Supplement Your Benefits
528nm Precise Color
(Courtesy of https://405nm.com/wavelength-to-color/)
Instructions to Expand this Free Provision into a Homeopathic Manufacturing System: Make 528 Frequency Homeopathic Remedies Using Dr. Horowitz’s 528 iRife Therapy Device.
As mentioned above, tbis simple system uses iPads or small laptops to deliver the sound and light of “LOVE 528” from the video player below. You can use this provision anytime for free to produce homeopathic medicines or therapeutic formulas. The instructions below enable you to build this alternative medicine accessory device that the doctor recommends if you are handy, gather the following components, and wish to make 528 homeopathic remedies while using this system. You will need to gather:
a) a bottle of OxySilver w/ 528;
b) 4 Blue 2 ounce glass bottles with squeeze droppers;
c) a two foot piece of 12 Guage copper wire, with exposed ends to push through the rubber dropper plunger down into the glass dropper. This way, the OxySilver liquid(s) in the bottles touch the exposed copper wire electrodes within the two droppers. This wire connects the two active bottles (i.e., cathode [+] and anode [-]) to form an electrical circuit that superconducts the therapeutic sound and light of “LOVE 528” through the bottles and across the circuit because of the OxySilver w/ 528. (See the photo inset below as a guide.)
d) two (2) strong 14,000 Gauss disc magnets glued to the bottoms of the 2 glass bottles. These will be hand held at the sides of your iPad;
e) vitamins C, D and Zinc capsules can be dissolved in the 2 bottles containing the OxySilver solutions to produce a “galvanic cell” to theoretically benefit your body with the energy of these vitamins. The zinc and ascorbic acid put into the OxySilver solution becomes the cathode [positively-charged right hand-held bottle] and the Vitamin D in OxySilver solution becomes the anode [left hand-held bottle]). This circuit is used to generate energy in the galvanic cell. This is how you can create homeopathic-like remedies. The circuit creates polarity for the movement of energy across the copper wire device and throughout your body. At the same time, the bottled liquid vibrates at 528Hz sound, producing a homeopathic-like silver-vitamin or silver-zinc solution that you can use use as a remedy. (Place 3 drops under your tongue with prayer to boost immunity.) You can use this resulting homemade ‘homeopathic-like’ solution daily for added benefits);
f) (Optional) 2 velcro strips to attach your 2 bottle assembly to the sides of your iPad or laptop. This is how you will be able to comfortably hold your entire assembly during your self-help therapy sessions; and
g) (Option 2) a 9 volt battery connector with alligator clips for optional use in supplementing the system’s electromagnetic current. Attach the battery when desired. This 9 volt battery option can be used to “clear,” “reset,” or “recharge,” the system by reversing the flow of electrons through the copper wire. This functions like an “electrolytic cells” that theoretically recharges the galvanic cell assembly.
In other words, Dr. Horowitz’s 528 iRife Therapy Package provides everything you need to: 1) convert your iPad into a 528 frequency generator; (Other frequencies can also be used at your discretion using different frequencies of sound and color); 2) deliver 528 miraculous healing energy throughout your body, supplementing your professional care; and 3) produce 528 resonating homeopathic remedies (in this example using zinc and vitamins C and D.)
How Does Dr. Horowitz’s iRife Assembly Work?
Piezoelectricity–the movement of electrons, electromagnetic fields, scalar energies, and plasma resonance energy, due to sound and light broadcasting from your iPad. This system vibrates the polarized elements of silver, copper, and zinc dissolved in the “pseudo-electrodes” (bottled) solutions. This generates very weak but powerful and effective currents that moves through the superconductive solutions containing micro-fine silver, copper, and zinc in water. This produces electromagnetic, and ‘optoacoustic’ fields. (Read Dr. Horowitz’s science report.)
Similar to homeopathic solutions, this assembly generates plasma and scalar energies that radiate through the OxySilver solutions and glass bottles. Optionally, these bottled solutions are connected by the copper wire forming a circuit to transmit current. The current flows from one bottle to the other (cathode to anode; right to left hands) and also into your hands (like hand-held electrodes in standard Rife machines). This sends the therapeutic energy into your entire body that is already vibrating from the sound and light (of LOVE) broadcasting through your iPad.
The free video player above broadcasts 528nm green light and 528Hz frequency of sound. Those ‘optoacoustic’ waves impact your body, especially your brain and entire nervous system, delivering and reinforcing the message of “LOVE 528” for your “MIraculous” healing.
Dr. Horowitz’s iRife Assembly Instructions
1) Check your droppers for their proper fit sealing the 2 ounce glass bottles; then select 2 of the 4 bottles to be used to make the 2 handheld pseudo-electrodes, as shown. The extra two bottles can be used to transfer the homeopathic you have generated so that you do not need to disassemble the device when you want to take the remedies you produced.
2) To produce the two electrodes, you will need a compass to determine NORTH vs. SOUTH poles of two magnets. Permanently glue these two 14,000 Gauss disc magnets to the bottoms of the two glass bottles. (They should not destabilize the sitting bottle.) First, glue the NORTH POLE of one magnet against the bottom (center) of one bottle. Then glue the SOUTH POLE of the second magnet to the base of the second bottle. Mark each bottle “NORTH” and “SOUTH” after you do this, because the your NORTH POLE bottle will be positioned on the right side of your iPad (Cathode: + charge), and the SOUTH POLE bottle will be positioned on the left side of your iPad (Anode: – charge) (Optional, you can use thin (1/4 inch) velcro strips to secure these two bottles to the sides of the iPad, as shown).
3) (Optional) Cut and apply two 1/4 x 2 inch velcro strip to the length of each of the two bottles, and affix the other velcro strip to the edge of your iPad being careful not to cover the speakers outputting sound along these edges. Do not attach the bottles to the sides of your iPad yet.
4) To form the circuit, pierce the top center of the rubber dropper plunger with a large sewing needle or thin nail.
5) Cut a 26 inch long piece of 14 Guage copper wire and insert the ends through the rubber dropper so that it fits tight against the rubber and extends down to the very end of the glass dropper tube.
6) Using high quality black silicone caulk, seal both copper wire rubber stopper assemblies, and let it dry completely before using (usually 24 hours). Do not screw the bottles into the stopper assemblies yet.
7) Fill the two 2 ounce bottles with OxySilver w/528, leaving enough room for your two vitamins and zinc (standard nutritional supplements). Pour the Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin D (soluble in OxySilver liquid) and Zinc (also soluble in OxySilver liquid) into the two bottles.
8) Tightly screw the two bottles containing your liquid formulas into the rubber dropper caps, being careful not to break the silicone rubber seals that you made in step 6. The copper wire now connects your two therapeutic electro-magnetized bottles containing hydrated Zinc and Vitamins C and D.
9) (Optional) Attach the two bottle copper wire assembly gently and carefully against the sides of your iPad using the velcro strips you applied in step 3.
10) (Optional) Attach a 9 volt battery to a standard battery cable that includes two alligator clips. The negative pole electrode here should be clipped to the left side of the copper wire arch just above the dropper plunger, and the positive pole electrode should be clipped to the right side of the copper wire arch just above the dropper plunger. This polarity reversal generates a ‘clearing’ or ‘resetting’ current to maintain the ‘freshness’ of your bottled solutions.
11) (Optional) Before grasping the bottles with the palms of your hands, you can use a good quality “electro gel” to optimize your contact with these “pseudo-electrodes.”
12) Start the video player above, and hold your iPad on your lap, grasping each of the bottles like handles (or hand-held electrodes). Allow, as much as possible, for the green 528 color to irradiate your body where you need it most, such as your most painful spot. Now, relax and enjoy!
Use Recommendations
1) Start the video player above, and hold your iPad on your lap, grasping each of the bottles like handles (or hand-held electrodes). Allow the green light to hit your skin where needed. Relax and enjoy!
2) Read to yourself, or affirm verbally, the prayers and auto-suggestions provided in the video.
3) Do the above at least four-to-five times per week. (It will not hurt you to do more.) The video plays for up to 45 minutes.
4) Use whenever or wherever you feel you need it, or can benefit from it.
5) (Optional) If desired, supplement your therapy sessions with your iPhone, any sound generating application available online, and a portable speaker to broadcast the 528 frequency tone (or other desired frequencies) into your body. (You can easily generate frequencies for free using one of the Frequency Generating applications available through the Apple Store.) Place the portable speaker, once connected by WiFi or Bluetooth to your iPhone Frequency Generator application, on or near your area needing healing. For example, at the base of your spine for back-pain, or elsewhere using cushions as needed or desired.
6) For more information about various frequencies and their uses for various illnesses, get Dr. Horowitz’s Solfeggio Video Therapy Guidebook that considers each of the chakras (energy vortices) and their therapeutic indications.
Adjunctive Experiment: 417Hz (Silver) and 528Hz (Gold) BiNaural Study
Here is a suggested experiment in BiNaural acoustic stimulation. “Binaural beats” are considered “illusions” of the brain prompted by listening to two tones with slightly different frequencies at the same time. According to WebMD, that has drawn on Dr. Horowitz’s pioneering work on musical tuning to 444Hz rather than 440Hz, “Your brain interprets the two tones as a beat of its own. The two tones align with your brain waves to produce a beat with a different frequency. This frequency is the difference in hertz (Hz) between the frequencies of the two tones. For example, if you are listening to a 440 Hz tone with your left ear and a 444 Hz tone with your right ear, you would be hearing a 4 Hz tone.”
Accordingly, in this suggested experiment, you can listen to the “silver frequency”–417Hz of the Solfeggio scale in your right ear–and at the same time you hear the “gold frequency” 528Hz in your left ear. This creates the difference of 111Hz (that is a consistent interval between four of the six Solfeggio frequencies believed to have musical/mathematical/spiritual therapeutic significance). By activating the player below, and listening for a time to the 417/528Hz Binaural stimulus, you can experiment and judge for yourself any benefits.
Typically with Binaural beat studies, there is a “frequency-following effect,” That means your brain matches the frequency set by assimilating both frequencies experienced as one. This has been done in science and clinical practices to entrain minds to achieve a certain mental state. According to WebMD, the benefits of this are inconclusive. Many believe that the benefits of Binaural stimulation with this combination of frequencies (entraining to 111Hz stimulating Gamma brain waves) include increased creativity, cognitive enhancement, better focus, attention and memory; reduced anxiety, improved mood and sleep, and meditative effects. “Research shows that binary beats are good for mental health as it’s linked to encouraging positive feelings.” However, skeptics caution that some studies report users may briefly suffer from increased feelings of depression. “Some people who listen to Binaural beats experience short bursts of anxiety, anger, or confusion.” However, there is inconclusive research supporting this concern. Moreover, the negative feelings may be the result of a ‘detoxification’ (i.e., Herxheimer-like reaction) possibly purging negative patterns in thought, attitudes, or behavior.
Consequently, since there is inconclusive research supporting Binaural applications, this is not recommended as a ‘stand alone’ to replace conventional therapy, but may be used as a complementary strategy “if discussed with a doctor” advises WebMD. Use the player below to experiment.
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